A 5 month Online Group Coaching Program
Mastering Sex, Love & Leadership to become the practitioner and Coach you have always desired to be 
Embody your true power and become an inspired leader in your community.
Self-Paced Learning
A highly comprehensive body of work that will guide you out of your head and into your heart.

Course material delivered in a private community with access to support, learning and reflections.
Embodied Practices
Learning to harness your Sexual Energy through various practices taught in the weekly modules, with homework that will transform your life and how you view your sexual energy.
Become a more embodied Coach and/or Practitioner

Global Community
Connect in my brand new community with a network of embodied beings to support, grow and expand your ability to show up in your community, in your relationship and to celebrate each other's growth.
Bi-Weekly Group Calls
We will have bi-weekly calls within the community portal to work through the topics, the content and create a deep embodied space for learning with this group of incredible humans (every second week will be a peer-to-peer work study.)

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring
Every second week you will meet with another student on a peer-to-peer mentoring call to develop your skills to become qualified and proficient as a session giver to others.  You will give one session every two weeks and you will receive one session.

Over $15k Value
This Container is limited to 10 spaces to maintain a tight group circle where we can all support each other.

And you can join us today for just
* Easy Payment Plan Options Available
Knowing we need to work on ourselves means to touch into the unknown. This program allows you to hear and be heard. Techniques beyond traditional methods are presented and we expand our view of ourselves and the world.  Connection unlike any other. This group is needed for all humans to explore.


Being an authentic leader is a constantly shifting target...

...until you learn how to uncover and embody your true power.

Let’s be honest—the word “embodiment” is played out in the personal development world. Used to sell overhyped and underwhelming programs that go on and on about how transformational it is to embody your authentic power—but they never get around to showing you exactly how to put embodiment into practice.

So let’s get that elephant in the room out of the way.

Embodiment means to take things out of the head (the world of concepts and ideas) and bring them into the body (the world of action and results).

You have been gifted a unique power of creation. But no one has taught us how to tap into it properly. So instead of harnessing it and using it to make things that positively serve ourselves and others, we do the opposite.

And what’s the opposite of creation? Destruction.

Every being I meet has a story or two about the kind of destruction they have caused in their life and the lives of people they loves. From infidelity to addiction to violence, the list goes on.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can unlearn the destructive habits you’ve picked up and start using your power for good.

It all starts with mastering the art of embodiment.
Embody your divine power as a King or Queen.

Overcome your fears and become a true leader.

Master your sexuality and explore new heights of pleasure.

Feel safe enough to be your authentic self

A 5-month journey to unleash your unique essence as a truly embodied being & Become the coach you desire to be

Self-paced, with lifetime access to all content
Powerful embodiment practices for integration and implementation 

Guided meditations to support each module

Transformative tools to support a powerful daily practice & become a successful coach

All content is downloadable for easy offline access

Access to a thriving global community who will hold you accountable to being the embodied being you truly are

Self-paced, with lifetime access to all content
Powerful embodiment practices for integration and implementation 

Guided meditations to support each module

Transformative tools to support a powerful daily practice

All content is downloadable for easy offline access

Access to a thriving global community who will hold you accountable to being the embodied being you truly are

The Collective Energy Is Shifting…

Humanity Needs Embodied Leaders
As a human, it’s built into our DNA to show up and do our best to be a positive force.

And yet, wherever you look in mainstream society, you’ll find dozens of examples of destructive masculinity & feminity everywhere you turn.

The pendulum has swung too far in the wrong direction and the result is a world that’s out of balance.

This is no coincidence. It’s the natural consequence of a world that’s been run by an unbridled and undisciplined energy for far too long.

The dating scene is FULL of women crying out for KINGS.

The business world is overrun by men chasing money at the cost of integrity.

Men are disconnected from their bodies and their true power.

Women are disconnected from this capacity to lead from divine feminine intuition and creative impulse. 

And yet, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

So how did it get to this point? And more importantly, how do we get beyond it?

No matter what you’re challenged with in life, it all comes down to the same core issue.

We were never taught how to embody a truly healthy masculine  or feminine energy, and we were cut off from the experiences and the knowledge that would support us to fully mature into our true power.

Do You Want to Be Part Of The Solution?
The Embody program has been designed to empower being who are dying to untether themselves from the painful conditioning of their past and step into their power as true Kings & Queens.

If you are...
Looking for a way to reconnect to your own power
Ready to kick your addictive and destructive behaviors to the curb once and for all.

Open to receiving a radically new way of looking at your own masculinity & femininity 

Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you

Do You Want to Be Part Of The Solution?
The Embody program has been designed to empower men & women who are dying to untether themselves from the painful conditioning of their past and step into their power as true Kings & Queens.
If you are...
Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you

Then Embody is

the initiation you’ve been waiting for.
Embody is so much more than just an online course.
It is a deep dive into self-discovery. It’s an internal excavation into what’s been holding you back. 
It’s a proven process of transmutation to unleash your unique essence as a powerful man.

Lifetime Access!
Become The Powerful & Magnetic Creator You’ve Always Wanted To Be
The Embody program has been designed to take you through the process of embodiment so you can start unleashing your creative power and become the being you were born to be.

You’ll walk away with:
  An in-depth understanding of your own belief structures, so you can consciously direct your focus, dissolve and transmute any remaining victimhood, and finally master your mind.

  An empowered grasp of the power of your own vulnerability, allowing you to put down your sword and shield, shrug off your emotional armor and let go of the fearful need to control.

  A totally new framework for dealing with your feelings and emotions, that allows you to blast through any internal blocks and skyrocket your emotional intelligence and maturity.

  An embodied understanding of your internal masculine and feminine energies, so you can finally feel whole and complete within yourself, and show up to your life as an overflowing vessel.

  A clear understanding and experience of the fundamentals of Tantra, and how to use this ancient knowledge to elevate your experience in the bedroom to unimaginable new heights, for your and your lover's pleasure.

  Clarity on how to apply all these principles to your work and your relationship, empowering you to be a confident and magnetic example of what true masculine presence and power looks like.

  Incredible tools and techniques you can adapt for your own powerful daily practice, so you can experience greater clarity, focus, alignment and ease in your daily life and be able to help others do the same
Are you ready to become the coach you have always dreamed to be, and receive the abundance that is waiting for you?
So How Does it Work?
The Embody program was built on many years of working closely with humans from every corner of the world in live retreats, workshops, and private coaching. I’ve been honored to witness hundreds of transformations and have seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t.

Once you register, you’ll get immediate access to the first week of content, and each new module will be released weekly, over a total of 5 months.

Each week, you will meet with the group. We will meet together, led by Aaron, and on the other weeks, you will meet as both a client and a coach with one other student to give a session and receive a session.

The journey has been carefully curated so you’ll not only learn these incredible tools and practices but actually implement them into your life as well.

You’ll only need about 3-4 hours a week to watch the video content, listen to the guided audio journeys, take some time for journaling and reflection, and complete your daily practice. Additionally, each week we will alternate between a group call, and a peer call.

Everything you’ll learn will become the tools you can ‘keep in your belt’ to use whenever you need them as you continue to navigate life and to become the successful coach and practitioner you have always dreamed to be.

You’ll also become a part of our global community of embodied beings, which is the place for sharing your wins and challenges, as well as connecting for community support.

Also, while it’s not mandatory, The Embodied Man book is a great study companion for the course, and it’s recommended to read along as you complete the modules each week.

And if you get behind, don’t worry. 

You’ll have lifetime access to the course, so you truly can go at your own pace, and come back to revisit any module whenever you like.
Learning to Suit any Style
Self-paced - Lifetime Access
In addition to the group coaching program, you will receive the Embodied Man 10 Week online Course - with a combination of professionally recorded audio and video content and a thriving global community, Embody is designed to give you a multi-sensory learning experience to encourage your complete integration.

Module 1
Unravelling the Story
Discover simple ways to clear your limiting belief structures, shift the lens of perception you are observing your world through, and empower yourself to permanently leave victimhood behind, as you continue your journey to becoming an empowered and awakened being.
Module 2
Mastering the Mind
Learn simple ways to balance and neutralize your negative thoughts, biased perceptions, and limiting beliefs, and dissolve your need to control life. Understand the power of self-forgiveness, and open yourself up to a life beyond self-doubt and self-judgment.
Module 3
Removing the Armor
Discover simple ways to release your addictive patterns and behaviors for good. Learn practices that distinguish between true power vs. manipulative power while peeling away your layers of protective and ego-validating actions. Discover how true power lies in the ability to be vulnerable.
Module 4
Emotional Mastery
Discover how the emotional body can be the gateway to authentically awakening and enlivening your life. When a human truly discovers how to feel and express in a healthy way, you will begin to liberate and empower your sexual energy with ease.
Module 5
Discovering True Gratitude
Discover how gratitude is the first step into true embodiment. When the mind is grateful for what is, doors open into the heart and you begin to experience life through the eyes of grounded love.
Module 6
Awakening the Inner Queen
This module dives deeper into how to communicate more effectively and how to love your body for the beautiful source of power it is.  Whether you are a man, discovering your own queen for the first time, or a woman learning how to be an embodied queen, this module will greatly support this integration.
Module 7
Sexual Awakening
Sexual energy is the prime creative force of all life. However, sexuality is misunderstood, misrepresented, and misused by many people simply because they don’t know how to wield it properly—and powerfully. Discover the secrets to mastering this force and unleash the sex god within.
Module 8
True Embodied Power
A powerful being knows how to share power with others and inspire a community to lead from their hearts. You’ll learn the new codes for healthy brotherhood & sisterhood and living a life of pure abundance.
Module 9
Embodied Relationship Mastery
Relationships are a powerful example of what happens when the mind’s need to control dissolves and the heart of love can begin to appear. You’ll learn powerful techniques and tools to have more clarity, intimacy, and love in your relationships. This module will inspire your inner union to inform the continual expansion, growth, and love no matter who you’re with.
Module 10
Awakening Soul Purpose
Discover simple ways to clear your limiting belief structures, shift the lens of perception you are observing your world through, and empower yourself to permanently leave victimhood behind, as you continue your journey to becoming an empowered and awakened being.
What if the life of your dreams was right within your reach?
Become the Master of Every Part of Your Life
Mental Mastery
Consciously choose how you wish to create your life moving forward.
Emotional Mastery
Ready to kick your addictive and destructive behaviors to the curb once and for all.

Sexual Mastery
Open to receiving a radically new way of looking at your own masculinity & femininity

Relationship Mastery
Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you

Consciously choose how you wish to create your life moving forward.
Emotional Mastery
Ready to kick your addictive and destructive behaviors to the curb once and for all.

Sexual Mastery
Open to receiving a radically new way of looking at your own masculinity & femininity

Relationship Mastery
Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you

and so much more... 
Divider Text
Embody Your Full Power With
Video modules
The core content is delivered in professionally recorded high-quality video modules.

Guided Audio
Guided audio meditations and practices are available to help you integrate everything you learn.

Daily Reflection
Take some intentional time out to reflect and journal on your insights and understandings.

Global Community
Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you. Deepen into your community with a weekly call.
Video modules
The core content is delivered in professionally recorded high-quality video modules.

Guided Audio
Guided audio meditations and practices are available to help you integrate everything you learn.

Daily Reflection
Take some intentional time out to reflect and journal on your insights and understandings.

Global Community
Committed to being an embodied leader for those around you. Deepen into your community with a weekly call.

Lifetime Access!
Get Your FREE Copy of the Embodied Man Book
Rather than a workbook, The Embody program comes with a free hard copy of Aaron’s actual book The Embodied Man.
While you’ll still get the full experience from the online program alone, the book can be an amazing study guide to support your learning as you complete the program.

The Embody Online Program
Delivered in high-quality video and audio format, The Embody program is designed to give you a multisensory learning experience to support your learning and integration.

The core content for each module is delivered in videos, and the professionally recorded audio content will guide you through a series of meditations and practices designed to give you an embodied experience of the learnings.
The Embodied Man Book
A comprehensive deep dive into all the topics covered in The Embody online program and more, The Embodied Man book is the Magnum Opus of embodied masculine power and presence.

You can read it to enhance your learning in the online program, or simply read it as a stand-alone experience, as a way to deepen your understanding of what Aaron teaches.

A Typical Week In The Embody Program
This program is a guided 5-month journey, delivered through weekly high-quality video and audio modules.

**You’ll have lifetime access, so you can move at your own pace!**

To complete this course in 5-months, you’ll need to invest 3-4 hours a week.
Your Weekly Awakening Schedule Will Look Like:
Video modules
45-60 mins/week
guided audio meditations & practices
30-45 mins/week
Daily practice
20 mins/day
This also Includes
daily reflection & journaling
5-20 mins (or as long as you need/want)
Weekly Meetings
Odd weeks will be the whole group meeting with Aaron, Even weeks, you will be in a diad
Private Coaching
2 One Hour Private Sessions with Aaron are also available to all participants.
* The Embodied Man book is included in your enrolment.
A Typical Week In The Embody Program
This program is a guided 5-month journey, delivered through weekly high-quality video and audio modules.

**You’ll have lifetime access, so you can move at your own pace!**

To complete this course in 5-months, you’ll need to invest 3-4 hours a week.
Your Weekly Awakening Schedule Will Look Like:
Video modules
45-60 mins/week
guided audio meditations & practices
30-45 mins/week
Daily practice
20 mins/day
This also Includes
daily reflection & journaling
5-20 mins (or as long as you need/want)
Weekly Meetings
Odd weeks will be the whole group meeting with Aaron, Even weeks, you will be in a diad
Private Coach
2 One Hour Private Sessions with Aaron are also available to all participants.
* The Embodied Man book is included in your enrolment.
meet your facilitator
Aaron Kleinerman
Aaron Kleinerman is an international best-selling Author, Transformational Sex & Relationship Coach, Retreat & Workshop Facilitator, and International Speaker. Once a licensed ship's captain navigating the vast oceans, he now helps countless men and women around the world to navigate the depth of their souls as a sexual behavior and embodiment teacher.

Aaron has spent many years learning from great masters in the fields of sexuality and transformation, earning a formal master’s degree in spiritual psychology. His workshops, retreats, private sessions, and speaking engagements are offered as a means to help people integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality, and spirituality.

He speaks and teaches from a deeply embodied space of honesty and transparency, so that others can discover the real reason for their own unique human existence. Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools you need to implement embodied awakened intelligence into your life.

He is also the lead male teacher for the Embodied Awakening Academy, an experienced Tantric Practitioner, and the creator of several online courses for men.
it's time to embody the leader you're truly meant to be
The Embody program is so much more than an online course.

It is a deep dive into self-discovery. It's an internal excavation into what's been holding you back.

It's a proven process of transmutation to unleash your unique essence as a powerful human.

The time is now. 

Over 1000 embodied humans over 5 continents have taken up this call to awaken their true power as humans and leaders in our rapidly evolving world.
"I have been working with Aaron as a coach for 3 months, and it has really made an impact and a difference in my life. He has a unique ability to hold space for people and guided me through a challenging time with a lot of emotions and deep processes. We have talked about my conditioning from childhood and my teenage years, and we have worked with vulnerable feelings in relationships. I have felt safe to speak about trauma, shame, emotions and sexuality without expectations and judgement. Aaron has shown me techniques for activating kundalini energy and some really good meditations. This has helped me feeling more grounded, more open and more energized on a daily basis. Aaron has a lot of wisdom and he is super easy to talk with. He is a true brother and I respect and cherish him so much."
~ Jorn

"I have learned so much about myself. I can’t explain it with words.
-From really looking into my childhood and understanding why I behave in certain ways
to freeing myself from those patterns that I didn’t feel belonged to me anymore.
-Dealing with my emotions in a Healthy way
-Learning to respond, instead of reacting.
-Learning about my anger. Why is it there. Why is it so powerful. Why I couldn’t control it.
-How I can bring more balance into my life
-How I can love and understand others more
-How I can bring more compassion towards myself and others

It’s the perfect starting point to bring awareness and have the tools to actually change who you are.
Besides this. I started coaching myself. I have now successfully coached 4 people.
With very different background and needs.
From a 20 year old student struggling with his life
To a 55 year old woman, trying to find love and acceptance for herself.

I would recommend this program to someone who:
-is ready to do the work.
-wants to be faced and confront his fears
-is tired of falling over and over again in the same traps
-is ready to change their life
-feels they are in a pivotal moment of their life.
-would love to help others by first doing the work on themselves

"Over the past few months I had the honor and pleasure of working with Aaron. His guidance has been essential to the outstanding growth I have seen in my life. His ability to hold space has no comparison. Aaron creates a safe container where you are cradled in loving kindness. He provides an endless variety of tools which allow you to dive deep into yourself, confront the uncomfortable, and move the stagnant energy that we carry from years of emotional suppression. Thanks to his program I was able to work through deep childhood trauma, depression and anger. I’ve enhanced my ability to communicate and connect with my partner and it has also prepared me for  fatherhood. The work we’ve done together has translated into all my relations and my work as a healer and teacher. I will forever be grateful for the time, love and energy Aaron put into this program, and highly recommend his coaching."

"My intuition told me to join Aaron’s 5 month embodiment coaching course with a deeper dive into his book, which began this year’s shift for me.  There is so much value in being able to release from the body and not hold onto old beliefs, conditions, anger, low self worth, pain, sadness and so much more.  His course helped me work on myself and learn how to coach others.  The active one-on-one coaching with other members of the group throughout the course has helped me see my value, raise my confidence and trust in myself to know that I am able to actively bring a high value of coaching out into the world.

A personal thank you to Aaron for bringing amazing students together in his course from all over the world and for checking in on our progress.  That means a lot to me."


How many people have gone through this training online and in person?
We've trained people from all over the globe in person and online for 15 years. Over 1000 have participated and improved their lives.
Is there an online community portal for the students? 
We will meet every 2 weeks on zoom, and the community is held within an online portal.

How many people has Aaron trained, over how many continents?
Over 1000 across 5 continents!
Is the book included in the enrollment fee?
What are the Terms and Conditions for payment and/or cancellation?
Cancellation policy as per Terms & Conditions available here: https://bit.ly/TERMSCONDITIONSAKCC